Short Riddle

15 + 12 = 3
4 – 7 = 21
24 = 0

Explain the context in which these statements are true.

Posted on June 10, 2015, in Fun and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. 4 weeks – 7 days = 21 days

  2. 24 hours today = 0 hours tomorrow.

    I feel like this is about time and how there are 24 hours in a day.

    • Joel, you’ve got it. More specifically, if it is 15:00 and you add 12 hours, it is 3:00, and if it is 4:00 and you subtract 7 hours, it is 21:00, or 9pm. On the 24 hour clock, you could write 24:00 at the end of the day or 0:00 at the beginning of a new day.

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